Dr Ngwisanyi-David addresses the members of RCG

Dr Ngwisanyi-David addresses the members of RCGOn 24 May 2024 Dr Weludo Ngwisanyia-David addressed the club after completing a 5 year surgery training course at Witwatersrand Medical School in Johannesburg in April 2023. She graduated as a Master of Medicine in Surgery and became a Fellow of the Colleges of Surgeons of South Africa. She became the 4th Motswana female general surgeon in Botswana. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
BLANKET DONATION TO NTSHEGETSE KE GO TSHEGETSE, MAHALAPYEOn Friday 3rd May, Rotarians Christina Smith, Roy Davies and Graham Burt together with Past President Barbara Butchart and President Nominee Anna Surmon travelled 200 km north of Gaborone to Mahalapye to donate 3 bales of blankets to the Ntshegetse ke go Tshegetse Organisation. We received a very warm reception and were serenaded by the senior citizens in attendance. Then after the formalities we handed out 40+ blankets to those in attendance, received a certificate of appreciation and Past President Barbara inscribed Rotary Club of Gaborone on the Donation Tree. |
BLANKET DONATION AT THUSANG BANA CENTRE, MOLEPOLOLE - 08 July 2022![]() Rotary Club of Gaborone handed out 90 blankets at the Thusang Bana Centre in Molepolole which is approximately 50 km west of Gaborone
BLANKET DISTRIBUTION - RAMAPHATLE 25 June 2022![]() ![]() Rotary Club of Gaborone handed out 60 blankets at the village of Ramaphatle, approximately 35 km south west of Gaborone
BLANKET DONATION ON 24 JUNE 2022 IN MOCHUDI![]() Nine Rotarians traveled to Bakgatla Bolokank Matshelo in Mochudi which is approximately 35 km north of Gaborone. We handed over 90 blankets together with some beanies, scarves plus some toys and pencils for the children. The beanies and scarves had been donated by Botswana Insurance.
WHEELCHAIR DONATION IN MOCHUDI: 20 MARCH 2021Nine Rotarians traveled to Mochudi, which is approximately 40 km north of Gaborone, to donate of three wheelchairs in conjunction with Motlaletsi Charity Club. The wheelchairs where provided by ex Rtn Miles Nan on behalf of the Charity Association of Chinese in Botswana. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
DISTRIBUTION OF DONATE A CAN PROCEEDSJumbo were contracted to provide food packages for 4 destinations. They also undertook to deliver to the 2 destinations in Gaborone and to load our vehicles that undertook the delivery to Jwaneng and Mochudi. The distribution to SOS Children Village and Botswana Retired Nurses Society (BORNUS) in Tlokweng, Gaborone was done on the 16 January 2021, Bakgatla Bolokang Matshelo (BBM) was done on 23 January 2021 in Mochudi and to the Catholic Church in Jwaneng on 30 January 2021.
DONATE A CAN 2020Due to COVID-19 our annual Donate a Can project had to be adjusted because of social distancing and other restriction in place. Normally we would have approached individual shoppers at selected supermarkets to purchase and donate non-perishable food items to the Rotarians in attendance. These food items would then be distributed to orphan children and individuals in need. Certain members of the club approach some of the companies to make a cash donation towards the purchase of food items. Canopy Centre, Freight Factors, Haas Consult, Hi Range Safari, Pesterminate, Premier Clothing, Satib, Snap Botswana, Zac Construction all made generous donations to the project. A number of Rotarians and friends also made generous donates. In total we collected P 33 400.00. |
"DONATE A CAN" PHASE 2 - DISTRIBUTION 2020On the morning of 25 January 2020 we delivered some of the food that was received the shoppers during the "Donate a Can" first phase (30 November and 01 December 2019). First port of call was BORNUS (Botswana Retired Nurses Society) in Tlokweng. BORNUS will distribute the food to orphans and destitute persons in their care in their community. From there we proceeded to Childline Botswana which is located on the other side of the city. The following day we traveled out to Camphill Community Trust in Otse which is approximately 60 km south of Gaborone and donated food to them. They house a number of disabled children and also care for the disabled in the community. We also donated Kitchenware on behalf of the Rotary Club of Plattsburg USA.
"DONATE A CAN" PHASE 1 - COLLECTIONOn Saturday 30 November 2019 and Sunday 01 December 2019, 24 Rotarians assisted by Inner Wheelers, Anns and two potential members manned 4 stations at 4 supermarkets in the Gaborone area.
WHEELCHAIR DISTRIBUTION: 2 -3 MARCH 2019![]() On 2nd March 10 Rotarians set out to hand out 25 wheelchairs in Mahalapye, Serowe and Lerala. The plan was that we would do handouts in Mahalapye and Serowe on the Saturday, overnight at Goo-Moremi and then do the handout in Lerala on our way back to Gaborone on the Sunday. The Rotary team consisted of President Bill McLellan, President Elect Casmir Jongman, Assistant Governor Ignatius Ndzinge, Past Presidents John Cunliffe and Gary Lord, Rotarians Graham Burt, Tony Chigaazira, Roy Davies, Jon Major plus Rotarian Amy McBride of the Rotary Club of Montrose. Casmir brought along his two sons and the son of Rotarian Mpho Brandy Mbangiwa. |
"DONATE A CAN" PHASE 2 - DISTRIBUTION TO LESANG BANA, METSIMOTLHABEOn the morning of Sunday, 21st January, 8 Rotarians went to Lesang Bana in Metsimotlhabe to do the 4th and last distribution of some of the proceeds from the "Donate a Can" project. The team consisted of Past President Barbara Butchart, Past President John Cunliffe, and Rotarians Graham Burt, Alan Golding, Ian Paddick, Mpho (Brandy) Mbangiwa, Roy Davies, Casmir Jongman. The team arrived at Lesang Bana just before 11:00 and we were met by Sister Paulina . Sister Pauline advised that they did not have a safe place on the complex to store the food as they had experienced a lot of theft and so they wished to store the food at St Josephs on the other side of Gaborone. Some of foodstuff was offloaded and presented to Sister Pauline who accepted it on behalf of Lesang Bana. Photographs were taken of the handover and then the foodstuff was loaded up again and Rotarians Roy and Alan took it to St. Josephs. Before leaving Past President John gave Sister Pauline a tub of sweets that was left over from the Carols by Candlelight evening which Sister Pauline distributed to the children who were present. ![]() |
"DONATE A CAN" PHASE 2 - DISTRIBUTION TO BOTSWANA RETIRED NURSES SOCIETY, TLOKWENGIn the afternoon of Saturday, 20 January, 16 Rotarians went to the Botswana Retired Nurses Society Centre in Tlokweng to do the 3rd distribution of some of the proceeds from the "Donate a Can" project. The team consisted of President Tebogo George, Past President Barbara Butchart, Past President John Cunliffe, Past President Rose Selema , Past President Antony Chigaazira and Rotarians Graham Burt, Jon Major, Johannes Mokwena, Alan Golding, Ian Paddick, Mpho (Brandy) Mbangiwa, Roy Davies, George Stirling, Casmir Jongman. We were joined by Past President Erwin Happel from the Rotary Club of Lobatse. We arrived at approximately 14:30 and were met by the Centre's Director, Mrs Kewakae. The foodstuff was offloaded and presented to Mrs Kewakae who accepted it on behalf of the Society. ![]() |
"DONATE A CAN" PHASE 2 - DISTRIBUTION AT STEPPING STONES INTERNATIONAL, MOCHUDIOn the morning of Saturday, 20 January, 11 Rotarians went to Stepping Stones International in Mochudi to do the 2nd distribution of some of the proceeds from the "Donate a Can" project. The team consisted of Past President Barbara Butchart, Past President John Cunliffe, Past President Antony Chigaazira and Rotarians Graham Burt, Jon Major, Johannes Mokwena, Alan Golding, Ian Paddick, Mpho (Brandy) Mbangiwa, Roy Davies, George Stirling. The team arrived at Stepping Stones at approximately 09:30 and we met by the Exectutive Director, Lisa Jamu. Lisa gave those Rotarians who had not been Stepping Stones before a tour of the facilities. The foodstuff was offloaded and presented to Lisa who accepted it on behalf of Stepping Stones. Lisa then presented team leader Ian Paddick with a thank you letter addressed to the Rotary Club of Gaborone. ![]() |
"DONATE A CAN" PHASE 2 - DISTRIBUTION IN JWANENGOn Saturday 13 January, we started the distribution of the proceeds of the “Donate a Can” collections. President Tebogo George and 11 Rotarians being Immediate Past President Ignatius Ndzinge, Past President Barbara Butchart, Past President John Cunliffe, President Elect Keletso George and Rotarians Graham Burt, Jon Major, Johannes Mokwena, Caz Jongman, Alan Golding, Ian Paddick, Mpho (Brandy) Mbangiwa. They were accompanied by Rotarian Carol Bateman from the Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada and Nicky Milner who is a senior lecturer at Angelia Ruskin University, East Angelia, United Kingdom. The team arrived at The Catholic Church hall a little after 10:30 am. The foodstuff was offloaded and presented to the Catholic Church community and some biscuits were handed out to the children that were in attendance. The Catholic Church community support the street children in the town and the destitute families in the area. They provide them with meals and bathing facilities and they also give food to the destitute families in surrounding villages. ![]() |
HANDOVER OF PROCEEDS FROM ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2017On Friday 8 December, Henno Cronje of Time Projects handed over a cheque for P 10 000.00 to President Tebogo George . This was the proceeds from the Adventure Challenge which has been earmarked for the Rotary Club of Gaborone wheelchair project. ![]() |
"DONATE A CAN" - PHASE 1On 2nd and 3rd of December, the Rotary Club of Gaborone held the first phase of it's annual "Donate a Can" project. Rotarians and friends of Rotary manned points at four supermarkets in the city and collected non perishable foodstuffs from shoppers. Approximately 60 box loads were collected over the weekend and these will be distributed to orphans and other disadvantage persons during January. We would like to thank the members of the public who gave so generously. ![]() |
ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2017On Sunday, 20 August 2017, the 4th addition of the Adventure Challenge was held at Mokolodi Nature Reserve. The event was organized by Time Projects in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Gaborone. Rotarians assisted by a group of scouts manned the marshalling points out on the course. The course consisted of 4 routes being yellow, green, orange and pink. Yellow was a 10km run, green was a 15km cycle ride to the south of the reserve, orange was a 15km cycle ride to the north of the reserve and pink was a 5 km run. At the points where the routes met, the marshals were required to ensure that runners and cyclists followed their relevant routes. In some instances routes merged with one another and stragglers from one route mixed with the front runners of the next route. This required the marshals to be on the ball to ensure that they directed the participants in the right direction. The Club’s share of the proceeds from the event will go towards obtaining wheelchairs for distribution to some of the physically challenged members of our communities. ![]() |
DONATION OF EQUIPMENT TO BAMALETE LUTHERAN HOSPITALOn Friday, 14 July 2017, the Rotary Club of Gaborone official handed over medical trolleys to Bamalete Lutheran Hospital in Ramotswa for use in their emergency and maternity units. The equipment had been purchased by the Rotary Club of Gaborone using the EUR 14 400.00 donated by the Rotary Club of the Hague Metropolitan. The equipment was handed over by President Tebogo George to the hospital with assistance from District Governor Jankees Sligcher. The advent was attended by the District Governor Representative Region 1 William Lee, Immediate Past President Ignatius Ndzinge, Rotarians Graham Burt and Sabine Ostmann ![]() |
ROTARY CLUB OF GABORONE GOLF DAYThe Rotary Club of Gaborone held its Golf Day on Sunday, 11 June. It was a Four Ball Alliance. The tournament got underway with a shotgun start at 08:30. There was also a putting competition as well as a raffle. The event was organized and run by Rotarian Roger Damp with help from many of his fellow Rotarians. It appeared that most participants enjoyed the morning with a few exemptions. There were some incredible shots but others were a bit wayward as some of the golfers flirted with the bush and had their tee shots diverted by some of the trees. We would like to thank all the golfers who took part, those who took part in the putting competition and everybody who purchased raffle tickets. All proceeds go to the Rotary Charity funds and early indications are that approximately P 30 000.00 was raised. ![]() ![]() |
FUNDRAISER - PROVIDING CONTROLLED PARKING AT THE MATSIENG AIR SHOW, RASESAOn Saturday, 27 May 2017, the Rotary Club of Gaborone provided controlled parking at the Matsieng Air Show. They charged 30 Pula per vehicle with the proceeds going to Rotary charity projects. The Rotary volunteers arrived at Rasesa at 7 am. Past President John Cunliffe and Rotarian Graham Burt arranged the erection of the road signs and the Rotary banners before joining their respective teams. Rotarian Roy Davies was in charge of the ticket selling team while Rotarian Alan Golding taking charge of the marshals. Vehicles started arriving a little after 7 am and the volume picked up steadily during the morning. The car park was virtually full by 1 pm but never completely filled up as a number of people left late morning The sale of parking tickets was stopped at about 2 pm after we had provided organized parking for over 1100 vehicles. ![]() ![]() |
PRESENTATION OF "DONATE A CAN" PROCEEDS AT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, JWANENG![]() On Saturday 11 February 2017, President Ignatius Ndzinge lead a party of 14 Rotarians plus a few wives, families and friends to Jwaneng to hand over the balance of the proceeds from the “Donate a Can” Project. Our destination in Jwaneng was the Catholic Church Hall.
The Church has been proving support to the street children as well has destitute families who were originally squatting in the bush around Jwaneng until the authorities moved them out and they are now being sheltered by the Church in some of the villages on the outskirts of Jwaneng.
This is the 3rd year that we have provided food aid to this scheme in addition to blankets that we donated to them last year.
We were met by the new priest, Father Foster who arrived in Botswana in August last year. He was given a brief rundown on Rotary and what the Rotary Club of Gaborone was doing.
The food was then offloaded and handed over to Father Foster for use by the Church to feed the street children and to be distributed to the destitute families in the Church’s care.
DONATION OF "DONATE A CAN" PROCEEDS TO SOS VILLAGEOn Sunday, 29 January 2017, at 3 pm, Past President Bill McLellan and Cathy McLellan, Past President John Cunliffe and Rotarians Graham Burt, Alan Golding, Casmir Jongman, Mordecai Karera, Ian Paddick, Timothy Setshogoe visited SOS Village in Tlokweng to donate some of the proceeds from the “Donate a Can” Project. We were well received and the children sang for us before we handed over the foodstuff. SOS presented the Rotary Club of Gaborone with a certificate of appreciation which was received by Past President John Cunliffe on behalf of the club. ![]() |
DONATION OF "DONATE A CAN" PROCEEDS TO CHESHIRE FOUNDATIONSOn Monday, 23 January at 9 am, some of the proceeds from “Donate a Can” were presented to Mr B.S. Masebola, the Executive Director of Cheshire Foundation.
The Rotary Club of Gaborone was represented by Past President John Cunliffe and Rotarians Graham Burt, Casmir Jongman, Alan Golding, Jon Major.
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DONATION OF "DONATE A CAN" PROCEEDS AT SEKOLO SA ANNE-STINEOn Saturday 21 January we carried out the first project of our 46th year.
Past Presidents John Cunliffe and Brian Jacques together with Rotarians Graham Burt, Roger Damp, Roy Davies, Alan Golding, Gloria Jacques, Casmir Jongman, Jon Jonathan Guy Major, Ian Paddick loaded up some of the proceeds from "Donate a Can" at 08:30 and headed off to Sekolo sa Anne-Stine in Molepolole.
We were met the Deputy Coordinator of Sekolo sa Anne-Stine and her team plus some of the parents and children. After the prayers, songs and speeches, the foodstuffs were handed over and we then returned to Gaborone
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DONATION OF "DONATE A CAN" PROCEEDS TO CHILDLINEOn Tuesday afternoon President Elect Tebogo George together with Past Presidents Bill McLellan, John Cunliffe, Brian Jacques and Rotarians Graham Burt and Gloria Jacques visited Childline to distribute some of the foodstuff that was collected during the first phase of “Donate a Can”. This was the start of the 2nd Phase of the project.
In addition to the foodstuff, we also handed out some toys and trinkets to the children. Needless to say the children were more interested in these items than they were in the food.
For legal reasons we were not allowed to photograph any of the children
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DONATE A CAN 2016On Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of November the Rotary Club of Gaborone held the first phase of their annual “Donate a Can” project.
Rotarians and friends stationed themselves outside two of the major supermarkets in Gaborone and asked shoppers to donate non perishable foodstuffs to be presented by the club to orphans and vulnerable persons.
The supermarkets have undertaken to make a donation to the proceeds and cash donations received will be used to purchase addition “cans”.
Once the process is over and the proceeds have been sorted then phase two will begin with the distribution of the foodstuffs.
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WHEELCHAIR DONATIONS AT BORNUSOn Thursday 03 Nov 2016 at 10 am, Past President Rose Selema and Rotarians Casmir Jongman, Roy Davies and Graham Burt visited BORNUS (Botswana Retired Nurses Association) in Tlokweng and donated 11 x wheelchairs. Only 7 recipients were present to receive their wheelchairs as 4 were unwell and not able to travel to Tlokweng. BORNUS will hand over those wheelchairs on the club's behalf.
The Director of BORNUS, M.G. Kewakae, accepted the wheelchairs on behalf of all of the recipients and thanked the Rotary Club of Gaborone for their kind donation.
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WHEELCHAIR DONATIONS AT SEKOLO SA ANNE-STINEOn Saturday 22 October 2016, Past Presidents (PP) Brian Jacques, John Cunliffe and Mordecai Karira together with Rotarians (Rtn) Casmir Jongman, Gloria Jacques, Graham Burt, Alan Golding and Marion Mwangi travelled to Molepolole to donate ten wheelchairs to individuals at Sekolo sa Anne-Stine.
The wheelchairs were part of the consignment that was sent to the Rotary Club of Selebi-Phikwe by the Wheelchair Foundation UK in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Ruthin, Wales. The Rotary Club of Selebi-Phikwe and the Rotary Club of Gaborone had come to an agreement where the two clubs would share part of the consignment.
We were welcomed by the Board Chairperson, Lesedi Moeti. PP Brian then gave a brief explanation on what Rotary is and was followed by Rtn Casmir who introduced the Rotary team. After this the wheelchairs were presented.
Later, Rotarian Casmir gave a demonstration on how to operate the wheelchairs.
WHEELCHAIR DONATIONS AT CHESHIRE FOUNDATIONOn Friday, 7 October 2016, ten wheelchairs were donated to the Cheshire Foundation in Mogoditshane. The wheelchairs were part of a shipment of wheelchairs supplied the Wheelchair Foundation UK to the Rotary Club of Selebi-Phikwe. An agreement was made by the Rotary Club of Gaborone with Selebi-Phikwe that we would take some their consignment and that we would supply them with wheelchairs from our next consignment of wheelchairs.
The presentation of the wheelchairs was attended by Past District Governor Milton Frary and his wife Elaine from the Rotary Club of Wetherby and District, Yorkshire. Milton is one of the directors and founders of the Wheelchair Foundation UK. They were accompanied by Gwynfor Roberts and his wife Diane from the Rotary Club of Ruthin, North Wales.
The Rotary Club of Gaborone were represented by Immediate Past President Bill McLellan, Past Presidents Georgina Durrant and Rose Selema, plus Rotarians Graham Burt, Roger Damp, Roy Davies, Alex Georgiades and Casmir Jongman. Assistant Governor John McCrory was present as a representative of District 9400 in addition to the Rotary Club of Gaborone.
The wheelchairs were presented to the Director of the Cheshire Foundation, Mr B S Masebola by Gwynfor Roberts. He surprised Mr Masebola by addressing him in Welsh before reverting to English.
There were two boys and a girl waiting for wheelchairs and so they were seated in their new red “Ferraris”.
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BAMALETE LUTHERAN HOSPITALOn Wednesday, 7 September 2016, Justice Sanji Monageng, who is a member of the Rotary Club of the Hague Metropolitan in the Netherlands, handed over a cheque for EUR 14 440.00 to the Bamalethe Lutheran Hospital’s “Poloko Project” for the purchase of medical equipment.
The Rotary Club of the Hague Metropolitan had held a Christmas Charity Concert in December 2015 and a Gala Dinner in June 2016 to raise funds for the Bamalethe Lutheran Hospital in Ramotswa.
Acting President William McLellan of the Rotary Club of Gaborone, Dr L Hoko the Chief Medical Officer of the hospital and the CEO Mr M Mmitsi accepted the donation to the project.
The event was also attended by Past Presidents Gary Lord, John McCrory and Rotarians Graham Burt, Edward Fashole-Luke II, John Major, Uli Schmitt, Dr Jerome Mafeni, Tony Chigaazira of the Rotary Club of Gaborone, some of the hospital staff and some members of the local community.
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ADVENTURE CHALLENGE 2016On Sunday 10 July 2016 the holding of the 3rd addition of the Adventure Challenge. The event was hosted by Time Projects at Mokolodi and assisted by the Rotary Club of Gaborone.
The Rotary Club of Gaborone organized and supplied the marshals who endeavored to ensure the runners and cyclists remained on course.
President Elect Tebogo George, who was our representative on the organizing committee, assisted Sandy Kelly (MD of Time Projects) in presenting the various prizes.
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BLANKET DONATIONS IN JWANENG AND SESEOn Saturday, 11 June 2016, President William McLellan, President Elect Ignatius Ndzinge, President Nominee Tebogo George, Past President John Cunliffe together with Rotarians Graham Burt, Casmir Jongman and Sabine Ostmann travelled to Jwaneng to handout blankets to squatters who are looked after by the Lapa La Lorato Catholic Church.
This is the 3rd trip that we have made out to the church in Jwaneng, Previously we have handed out some of the proceeds from our Donate a Can project. At the church we meet Nicodemus Manenge and Tshepo Modise who are two of the coordinators of the Church's project as the priest Father William had left and has not been replaced yet. We handed over a couple bales of blankets, some clothes and toys to Tshepo Modise to be distributed to the squatters and most of them were unable to travel from where they had set up home. We did handout blankets and some toys to the few had managed to make it to the church grounds. ![]() ![]() |
DONATION OF ARTIFICAL TURF TO THE MOCHUDI RESOURCE FOR THE BLIND![]() On the afternoon of Wednesday, 13 April 2016 President Bill McLellan together with Past President Barbara Butchart and Rotarians Uli Schmitt, Jon Major and Graham Burt travelled to the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind to official hand over the artificial turf that had been laid in the raised area between the children’s residential area which is under shade cloth.
The artificial turf had been funded by the Rotary Club of Christianshavn-Slotsholmen, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Since our visit the Board of the Rotary Club of Gaborone has approved the cost of extending the turf to cover the entire area.)
Unfortunately, Mrs Sophie Moalosi who is a Director of the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind and who is responsible for the running of the centre was ill and unable to attend the handover. We continued with the proceedings and persuaded the Master of Ceremonies, Mr Chabaesele to accept the turf on behalf of the centre. ( Mr Chabaesele is a product of the centre and undertakes the Master of Ceremonies duties at nearly all their functions)
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BOREHOLE DONATION TO THE MOCHUDI RESOURCE CENTRE FOR THE BLIND![]() On Saturday, 12 March 12016, the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind held a small ceremony to mark the official handover of a borehole drilled by Dewet Drilling.
Past President Barry Evans had obtained permission from the Land Board and Water Affairs to drill a borehole at the site of the proposed new facilities of the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind. President Bill McLellan approached Hentie de Wet of Dewet Drilling for the costing to drill the borehole. Hentie offered the services of Dewet Drilling and got financial support from the Matsieng Flying Mission (Matsieng Flying Mission organize a yearly air show where all the proceeds go to charity and community projects).
The ceremony was attended by President Bill McLellan, Past President John Cunliffe and Rotarians Graham Burt, Alan Golding, Alex Georgiades and Chris Sharp.
We were shown the drilling operation and we were advised that they had reached some water at a depth of 200m but that the sponsors had agreed to going down a further 50m to see if they could not get a better supply.
During the ceremony, Mrs Sophie Moalosi thanked Dewet Drilling, Matsieng Flying Mission and the Rotary Club of Gaborone for their support and for contributing to making the borehole a reality. She advised that in the short term the water would be used for the maintenance of a vegetable garden which would supplement the feeding of the children at their current location in Mochudi.
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Handover of Proceeds from the Adventure ChallengeOn Wednesday, 15 July 2015, Sandy Kelly the MD of Time Projects handed over a cheque of P 121 700.00 Pula for Young 1ove.
The Rotary Club of Gaborone was represent by President Itamar Azoulay, PP Barry Evans, Rtn Tebogo George and Rtn Graham Burt.
Young 1ove was represented by Moitshepi Matseng who is their program manager.
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Time Adventure ChallengeThe 2nd Time Adventure Challenge was held on Sunday, 12 July at Mokolodi Nature Reserve. The event was sponsored by Time Projects. The Rotary Club of Gaborone provided the marshals on the four routes and helped obtain the various prizes. The proceeds of the event are to go to the NGO, Young 1ove.
KBL Donate Container to Rotary Club of GaboroneKBL officially handed over the 12m container to President John Cunliffe and District Governor Annie. KBL were represented by Masegonyana Madisa (Corporate Affairs Manager) and Boemo Seepo (Segwana Depot Manager).
Donation of Items Provided by the Rotary Clubs of Grimsby Havelok and Skegness![]() On Thursday, 11 September 2014, President John Cunliffe and his wife Beverley visited Childline together with Rotarians Emily Ruhukwa and Graham Burt. The object was to donate some jerseys, mittens and beanies that had been sent out from the UK by the Rotary Clubs of Grimsby Havelok and Skegness when Past President Chris Suich and Rotarian Bob Suich visited the club last month. We met with the Country Coordinator of Childline Botswana, Onkemetse Mbazo-Montsheki who gave us an overview of their operation and guided tour of their facility. In addition to the 24 hour hotline, Childline provides counselling for children and parents and also provides a safe haven for abused and abandoned children. They have accommodation for about 20 children and are presently looking after 19. We met a handful of boys who were under school going age, one toddler and three babies. The boys were overjoyed to see us and all wanted to be hugged and picked up. They were very excited with the items of apparel plus the biscuits and drinks that were also presented. Because of the various reasons for these children being accommodated by Childline we were advised that we could not show their faces in any of the photographs and thus we had to come up with alternative poses. It was difficult to get all of the boys to cooperate at the same time and so I have blurred the offending face. |
Wheelchair Donations in Kanye![]() On the Monday, PDG Milton's team together with President John Cunliffe, PP Rose Selema and AG (Assistant Governor) William Lee and a few others journeyed down to Kanye where MORNUS had arrange a few more recipients in need of wheelchairs. |
Wheelchair Donation in Tlokweng![]() On Saturday 16 August, the Rotary Club of Gaborone together with the Wheelchair Foundation UK donated 12 wheelchairs to disabled individuals from Tlokweng, Morwa and Metsimotlhabe. The Wheelchair Foundation UK was represented by the founder and director PDG (Past District Governor) Milton Frary. PDG Milton's party included his wife Elaine, PP (Past President) Christine Suich and Rtn Bob Suich. The donation took place at the premises of BORNUS (Botswana Retired Nurses Society) and was arranged with the assistance of PP Rose Selema who is also a member of BORNUS. |
Dictionary Project![]() 60 000 English language dictionaries were officially handed over to the Ministry of Education & Skills Development on the morning of 7 August 2014 at a brief ceremony in their conference room. President John Cunliffe presented a dictionary the Assistant Minister of Education, Keletso Rakhudu. The dictionaries will be handed out to junior secondary school students. These dictionaries will become the personal property of the students to encourage them to take proper care of these paperback volumes.
Handover of Cheque to Mochudi Resource Centre![]() Sandy Kelly of Time Projects hands over a cheque for P 82 120.00 to the Board members of the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind. This was the proceeds from the Rotary Time Adventyre Challenge that had been held on Sunday, 13 July. The money will go towards the construction of the new facility in Mochudi which will enable the Centre to be in a position to look after nearly four times as many visually impaired children than they are able to at present. |
Rotary Time Adventure Challenge![]() In the early part of the year the then President of the Rotary Club of Gaborone, Barry Evans, approached Time Projects to support Rotary by donating to the Mochudi Resource Centre for The Blind. Time Projects were wishing to re-establish the Adventure Challenge and saw this as a perfect opportunity and so the Rotary Time Adventure Challenge was born. It was agreed that Time would sponsor and organize the event with support and assistance from The Rotary Club of Gaborone. The proceeds of the entrance fees would go to the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind building project. The event took place at the Mokolodi Nature Reserve and consisted of a relay of two running legs and two mountain biking legs. There were teams from all sectors of the business community as well as social and family teams. There were even a few individuals who elected to complete all legs on their own. Teams consisted of young and old, male and female. It was all good fun and some of the contestants managed to take short cuts or get themselves lost. Prizes were handed out to all the winners in the various categories but the overall winner was the Mochudi Resource Centre as in excess of P 82 000.00 was raised to go towards the building of a new and modern facility in Mochudi. Thanks go to Time Projects and the contestants for making the event a success. |
Blanket Distribution at Modipane, Mokatse & Dikwididi![]() The blankets were donated by Ellies Botswana who were represented by Hugh Fletcher and two of his sales staff. The Rotary Club of Gaborone who had arranged the distribution were represented by Assistant Governor William Lee, President Elect Itamar Azoulay, Past President Lalith Senaratne, Past President Rose Selema and Rotarian Graham Burt. Christine Lee and Nirmalie Senaratne, both of whom are past presidents of Inner Wheel, were also present. Modipane and Mokatse are about 20 km north east of Gaborone and then Dikwididi is another 10 km north of Modipane. We started in Modipane, then went to Mokatse and finished off at Dikwididi. The villages of Modipane and Mokatse actually converge on each other and could easily be mistaken as being just one village. Dikwididi is accessed by traveling on a dirt road that runs close to the Botswana/South African border.
Donation of Wheelchairs at Rankoromane School at Camp Hill, Otse![]() On Monday 23 June 2014, President John Cunliffe, Assistant Governor William Lee, President Elect Itamar Azoulay and Rotarians Jon Major, Ed Pettit and Graham Burt traveled to Otse to donate wheelchairs to youngsters who are physically challenged. The Donation took place in the hall of Rankoromane School, Camp Hill. |
Donation of wheelchairs at Bakgatla Bolokang Matshelo![]() The Rotary Club of Gaborone donated wheelchairs to recipients at Bakgatla Bolokang Matshelo (BBM) in Mochudi about 40 km north of Gaborone. Club members in attendance were Assistant Governor William Lee, Past President Georgina Durrant, Past President Rose Selema, Past President Mark Lane-Jones and Rotarians Jon Major, Ed Pettit, Graham Burt and Edward Marandu. Past President of Inner Wheel Christine Lee was also present. The presentation was organized by Emily a Peace Corps Volunteer and a great reception was received by the Rotarians from the volunteers and staff at BBM. The Wheelchairs were supplied by the Wheelchair Foundation, USA and the Wheelchair Foundation Great Britain & Ireland with financial assistance from various Rotary clubs. |
Rotary Provides Parties for the Blind in Mochudi![]() PP Antony Chigaazira with assistance from PDG Reg Loo arranged a party for the children of the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind and a braai for the older children and adults of the Pudualong Centre in Mochudi on Saturday, 16 November. Tony and Reg were assisted on the day by Reg's wife Margaret, Rtn Graham Burt, PE John Cunliffe and Rtn Tebogo George.
BMS Phatsimong Adolescent Centre![]() In a recent ceremony, Rotary Club of Gaborone (RCG) President Barry Evans officially handed over a cheque to BBCCCE Executive Director Professor Gabriel Anabwani representing the RCG contribution towards the construction of the BMS PHATSIMONG Adolescent Centre. Also present were Assistant District Governor William Lee who was the Project Manager for the development, Rotarian Roger Damp the Project Quantity Surveyor, RCG Past President John McCrory the Project Architect, Dr Mogomotsi Matshaba and Mrs. Neo Gaetsewe of BBCCCE together with special visitor DGPR Mark Doyle of District 9400. |
BEELETSA MO ISAGONG, NYELETSA MALARIA (Invest in the Future, Defeat Malaria)![]() On Saturday 24th August 2013, the Rotary Club of Gaborone donated 1200 Long Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs) to the Ngami District Health Team in Shorobe in line with the Ministry of Health’s drive to eradicate malaria in Botswana. The nets are to be distributed among the communities in Shorobe, Mababe, Khwai and Sankoyo villages. This delivery was made possible by the support of Stanbic Bank who became a staunch supporter of the project in 2011. Since then, Bifm and Steinmetz have also joined the Rotary Club of Gaborone in its effort to fight malaria.
Ben Gets a New Wheelchair![]()
On Friday, 2 August 2013, the club donated a wheelchair to Ben Chitonho at the Gaborone Sun just prior to our weekly meeting.
Ben was involved in a car accident in 1991 which resulted in him losing the use of his legs. |
Goabaone Molome Gets a Wheelchair![]() At midday on Friday 26 July 2013, we donated a wheelchair to Goabaone Molome of Bokaa village. Goabaone is 13 years old and has a deformity of his feet. The wheelchair will allow him to be a lot more mobile. The wheelchair was presented to him by Rtn Sashi Jaddoo who is the chairperson of our Service Projects committtee. The donation was witnessed by Gaobaone's parents, President Barry Evans, Past President Mark Lane-Jones, Past President William Lee, President Elect John Cunliffe and Rotarians Graham Burt, Jon Major and Yande Sikazwe-Mothae
Barry Evans was inducted as President for 2013 - 2014 at a dinner held at the Gaborone Sun Hotel on Saturday 15 June 2013 by outgoing President Barbara Butchart
PP Rose Selema handed over a cheque for P 9 000.00 to Motshwari Kitso of SOS Children's Village. This will go to the annual up keep of House 14 which is known as the "Rotary House". |
ROTARY CLUB OF GABORONE PRESENTS CLOTHES TO VULNERABLE CHILDREN![]() On Saturday morning the 14 April, the Rotary Club of Gaborone travelled to the village of Mmanoko in the Kweneng District to donate clothing to orphaned and vulnerable children. |
DIABETES MEDICAL CAMP AT MOOKANE![]() The Diabetes Medical Camp in Mookane finally took place on the 10 march 2012. Mookane is a village about 170 km North East of Gaborone with a population a little over 2 000. It has a Government Clinic but has no hospital.
The Rotary Club of Gaborone and Botswana-Baylor Children's Clinical Centre of Excellence06 January 2012 - The Rotary Club of Gaborone - President William Lee & Christine Lee, Rotarians: Itamar Azoulay & Sandra Stonehill delivered Christmas gifts (collected from Carols by Candlelight) to Botswana-Baylor Children's Clinical Centre of Excellence in Gaborone. The COE is a public-private partnership between Baylor College of Medicine International Paediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) in Houston, Texas, USA and the Government of Botswana. The COE provides services that aim to enhance the health of children and their families through a comprehensive approach to treatment and care. Professor Gabriel Anabwani was delighted to receive the gifts on behalf of the COE. |
Presents for the Children in Princess Marina Hospital![]() It has been a tradition of the club to hand out toys to children in hospital on Christmas Day. This year we visited the children’s ward of Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone. There were only approximately 40 children in the ward as the less serious cases had been allowed to go home for the holiday period. President William Lee and 11 other Rotarians met up at the hospital at 10 am on Christmas morning. The toys were loaded on to a hospital bed and were wheeled off to the ward. A present was then handed out to each of the children in ward. |
Rotary Presents Food from "Donate a Can" Project to SOS Village![]()
At 8:30 on Saturday 26 November, President William Lee, PP
Gary Lord, Rtn Sandra Stonehill, Rtn Itamar and Rtn Robert Lang loaded up some
the foodstuffs from the Donate a Can collection and headed off to SOS Village
in Tlokweng.
At SOS Village they were joined by Rtn Graham Burt and few members of Spar Supermarket, Riverwalk. Some of the children plus the “Mother” from each of the houses were present for the handover of the food. There was 1 carton of food for each house. ![]() |
Donate a Can 2011![]()
This weekend just past, saw RCG hold the
first phase of it's annual Donate a Can project. This was the collecting of non-perishable foodstuffs from the shoppers at two of the many supermarkets in the
city. Over the period of the weekend 40 trolley loads were received and we anticipate that the supermarkets will provide us with an additional 8.
Stanbic Bank Botswana Takes a Stand against Malaria![]()
Stanbic Bank Botswana donated BWP 100 000.00 towards the
Rotary Club of Gaborone’s project to supply the shortfall of Long Lasting
Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets (LLIN’s) as stated by the Ministry Health in
their Malaria Eradication Programme.
Building Plans Handed to Tsholofelo Trust![]()
Building plans for a house were handed over to David Inger a trustee of Tsholofelo Trust, Letlhakeng.
More Blankets Donated in Gamodubu![]()
On Saturday 9 July 2011 another trip was made to Gamodubu to hand out more blankets to those who had missed out the week before.
Blanket Donation in Gamodubu![]()
The Rotary Club of Gaborone visited the Gamodubu Child Care Trust on Saturday 2nd July 2011 to distribute blankets to the children.
Blankets handed out in Mokatse, Modipane and Dirwididi![]()
Past President Lalith Senaratne and Rotarian Sandra Stonehill spent the morning of 1 July 2011 handing out blankets in three villages on the northeasten outskirts of Gaborone.
Beds & Blankets Donated to Stepping Stones International![]()
Rotarians Sandra Stonehill and Itamar Ezoulay travelled to Mochudi on Monday, 27 June 2011 to handover some beds and blankets to Stepping Stones International.
Changing of the Guard![]()
On Saturday evening, 25 June 2011 it was out with the old and in with the new at the annual Indcution Dinner of the Rotary Club of Gaborone.
Blanket Donation to San Bushmen in the Khutsi area![]()
One of the last functions of President Gary Lord before leaving office was to travel to the Khutsi region to hand out 100+ blankets to the San Bushmen community in the area.
RCG Thanks Steinmetz Botswana![]()
On 27 May 2011 the club invited the MD of Steinmetz Botswana to lunch to thank him for their generous donation of BWP 100 000.00 to the club's carity funds.
Unity Dow Receives a PHF![]()
Unity was made a Paul Harris Fellow at a luncheon meeting of the club on Friday, 13 May 2011.
Youth Exchange Students Report Back On Their Travels![]() Rotarian Natalie McCormack Antzon (Chairperson of Young Generations) brought 4 teenagers who had been members of a recent short youth exchange to talk to the club about their experiences. Boase Roberts, Laura Sekwebabe and Matthew van Zyl all went to Brazil while Lisa Sekwebabe went to Chile
MOCHUDI RESOURCE CENTRE THANKS THE CLUBThe Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind presented the Club with a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of all the support the Club has given to the Centre and to the children who attend the centre. |
Mosquito Nets (Continued)![]()
What it was all about. A display of how the nets work
DISTRIBUTION OF THE BALANCE OF THE "DONATE A CAN" PROCEEDSOn the 17 January, Past President Mike Lakin, Rtns Itamar Azoulay, Douglas Craig, Barry Evans and Sandra Stonehill visited Bana ba Keltso, Tumelong and Kamogelo to hand out the balance of the proceeds from the recent "Donate a Can".
(photo supplied by S Stonehill)
Donation of Christmas Presents to Children Supported by F.E.C.H.![]() 2010 saw a change in tradition whereby the Rotary Club of Gaborone handed out Christmas presents to orphans and vulnerable children in Molepolole who are supported by F.E.C.H. instead of visiting the cjhildren's wards on Christmas Day. The reason for the change was caused by the fact that a number of other service clubs and charitable organizations have followed our lead and have started handing out presents on Christmas Day to the children in hospital. The number of children in the wards have dwindled over the years as hospitals try to send as many children as they can home for the Christmas period. As these children are now well catered for, we turned our attention elsewhere. |
DISTRIBUTION OF "DONATE A CAN" AT GAMODUBU![]() On a hot Saturday morning, seven Rotarians lead by Rtn Itamar Azoulay (Chairman of the Service Projects Committee) headed off to visit the Gamodubu Childcare Trust which is about 35 km from Gaborone. |
Donate a Can 2010![]()
The weekend of 26 - 28 November saw the holding of the Rotary Club of Gaborone's 7th "Donate a Can" project. This is a project that is held annually on the last weekend of November. The concept is simply that the Rotary Club of Gaborone ask the community to donate cans of food for distribution to orphans and disadvantaged children. This is done by Rotarians being stationed outside selected supermarkets and requesting the patrons entering the supermarket to consider purchasing a can for the children and then collecting the can on their way out.
"Love in a Box" handouts at Gamodubu![]()
"Love in a Box" (LIAB) is another Rotary project in which the Rotary Club of Gaborone acts as a facilitator. Young school children of participating schools are asked to obtain a shoe box, place in it a bar of soap, toothpaste, toothbrush plus a few other pre-requisites and then fill it with whatever other items they would wish to donate to a orphan or disadvantaged child. They are the encouraged to decorate the box and indicate the sex and age of the child their box should be donated to.
On the 20 November, boxes donated by the children of Westwood International School and Livingstone Kolobane College where to be handed over to children from a feeding scheme in Gamodubu which is about 35 km south west of Gaborone. |
District Governor of 9400 Visits Gaborone![]()
Francis Callard, the District Governor (DG) of our new district , visited Gaborone on 29 - 30 October 2010.
Presentation of the Volunteerism Award 2009![]()
On 15 October 2010, the volunteerism award for 2009 was presented to Wendy Ramokate by President Gary Lord together with a cheque for BWP 6 000.00.
(Photo:- President Gary with Wendy Ramokate after having presented the award) |
LLIN Mosquito Net Mass Distribution Project - Gweta BotswanaMembers of the Rotary Club of Gaborone attended the official launch of the LLIN (Long Life Insecticide Impregnated Net) Mosquito Net mass distribution project at the Gweta . Gweta is in the north of Botswana about 200 km from the Okavango Delta on the Francistown/Nata/Maun road. It is some 720 km from Gaborone by road. |
Changing of the Guard![]()
Gary Lord is inducted as the 41st President of the Rotary Club of Gaborone at a Celebration Dinner held at the Gaborone Sun Hotel.
Golf Day |
Rotary Friendship Exchange![]() Read the report back in the Copenhagen Rotary Club's weekly newsletter about the recent Rotary Friendship Exchange between Denmark, South Africa and Botswana. Nine Rotarians from three clubs in Denmark participated in the exchange. Our Club played a significant part in this Friendship Exchange and all credit goes to Rtn Barry Evans and his team for a well organised and interesting Botswana tour.
Mokolodi Blanket donation |
Blanket Donation to Gabane Home Based Care Centre
There were broad smiles all around when a donation of 30 blankets from the RCG was taken to the Gabane Home Based Care Centre in Gabane village.
Medical Camp 2010 - Thamaga
The Rotary Club of Gaborone in partnership with the Diabetes Support Group of Princess Marina Hospital held their third annual Diabetes Medical Camp in Thamaga, approximately 70 km south of Gaborone. They were assisted by the health workers from the council and local hospital. The event was organised by Rotarian Dr Yash Gureja.
Wheelchair presented to Mawigo Nawane |
Wheelchair Presented to Kelaole Montsosi![]()
After presenting the wheelchair to Keneetswe, we set off with members of the nursing staff of Thamaga Hospital to locate Kelaole Montsosi (75 years old). We took a few wrong turns but we finally located her dwelling.
Wheelchair Donated to Keneetswe Kgosi![]()
After the Medical Camp we donated a wheelchair to Keneetswe who is 85 years old. She was at first very surprised and then thrilled to have been presented with a wheelchair.
Rotary International Conference District 9250 |
Mosquito-nets Arrive![]()
After months of negotiation with UNICEF and the Ministry of Health, mosquito-nets for free distribution to the inhabitants in the north of Botswana arrived in Gaborone.
Olcan Watt Project![]() |
Women's Shelter![]()
On Monday 26 April Rtns; Kim Sales and Sandra Stonehill delivered 5 tents, 10 blankets and 10 mats to the Kagisano Society for the Women's Shelter project.
Pictured: Rtn Kim Sales with Joyce Ramphaleng (Skills Developer), Susan Mahachi (Senior Counsellor), Edna Dema (Admin) and Zodwa Mduku (Counsellor/Psychologist) Photo supplied by Rtn Sandra Stonehill |
Blanket, Tent & Mat collection
Caroline Desai who facilitates Social Services in Gaborone and area has collected 200 blankets, 25 tents and mats today. See 'story content' for the needy causes that will be receiving these items.
GSE Team From District 7980 Visit Gaborone![]()
On Thursday, 15 April 2010 the Group Study Exchange Team from Rotary District 7980, Eastern Connecticut, USA arrived in Gaborone. They spent two days in the city before heading north to Selebi Phikwe on Saturday morning.
Completion of "Donate a Can" Project![]()
The last of the proceeds from the "Donate a Can" where donate to the Mochudi Resource Centre for the Blind on Friday afternoon.
(photograph of President Mark Lane-Jones together with Mrs Sophie Moalosi (who runs the centre)provided by Rtn Sandra Stonehill) |
"Mr Cool"![]() Mopane's Mr Cool (see story above) |
Handover of Water Tanks at Bana ba Keletso![]()
On Saturday, 30 January, the German Ambassador, His Excellency Mr Ulf Hanel, officially handed over the water tanks which had been erect with funds provided by the German Government.
"Love in a Box" at St. Placid, Mopane![]()
Rotarians Sandra Stonehill, Barbara Butchart, Itamar Azoulay and Graham Burt travelled 25 kms to Mopane on the outskirts of Gaborone to complete the "Love in a Box" programme for 2009 - 2010.
Food Donation to Bana ba Keletso![]()
As an extension to the handover of the water tanks, we took the opportunity of handing over a portion of the "Donate a Can" proceeds.
"Love in a Box" in Gabane![]()
The children at the Gabane Community Based Centre were visited by President Mark Lane-Jones, Rtn Sandra Stonehill, Rtn Barbara Butchart and Rtn Graham Burt on the morning of Friday, 29 January. The Rotarians were bearing some of the boxes put together by some of the pupils of Broadhurst Primary School.
Food Donation at Kamogelo![]()
Some of the proceeds of "Donate a Can" were presented to Kamogelo Day Care Centre in Mogoditshane on Wednesday, 27 January 2010.
"Love in a Box" at St Peter's Day Care Centre![]()
On Wednesday 20 January "Love in a Box" boxes prepared by pupils from Broadhurst Primary School were presented to orphans at St Peter's Day Care Centre in Mogoditshane.